Welcome to the boogeyman's home away from home. The Myers House NC is a life-size replica of the infamous Michael Myers house from John Carpenter's 1978 horror classic HALLOWEEN. The house is located in rural Hillsborough, North Carolina and is the personal residence of horror fan Kenny Caperton.

Owner Kenny Caperton has been fascinated with all things Halloween since childhood, and grew up watching 80s slasher flicks on late night cable television, but the blank pale face of serial killer Michael Myers stuck with him the most. Kenny's favorite film has always been the original HALLOWEEN from 1978.
In 2008, at the age of 26, he reached a point in his life where he was ready to find a place of his own and stop paying rent. During the process of house hunting, he just so happened to plan a vacation to Los Angeles, California, which included a mandatory pilgrimage to visit the original Myers House in South Pasadena (yes, it's still standing!). As a lifelong fan of the HALLOWEEN series, seeing this infamous house in all its glory at this moment in time gave Kenny an insane idea... thus, the creation of The Myers House NC! So what could have been just another cookie cutter starter home became a life-sized homage to a classic horror movie.

Making this terrifying dream a reality didn't come easy - the process was not without its obstacles and delays. The first challenges Kenny encountered was not having any blueprints for the original house, not owning any land, and not having any real idea how much a project like this would cost. While there was a potentially overwhelming amount of research and prep work necessary to build a custom house, he was determined to make his dream come true, and tackled each issue one by one - things like designing the layout and floor plan of the house himself on a sheet of paper, finding an architect to create the building plans (none exist for the original), hunting down a good piece of land, finding a local builder that was willing to take on such a crazy project, getting financing, picking out every single construction material …the list goes on and on. After nearly a year and a half of hard work and bloodshed, The Myers House NC was completed in March 2009 and can now be found looming eerily in the Hillsborough countryside.
As much as Kenny wanted to replicate the Myers House as accurately as possible, he quickly realized that the interior layout of the original house, which was built in 1888, was not practical for modern day living. The house lacked bathrooms and a kitchen - the kitchen you see in HALLOWEEN was added for the film. The upstairs of the original house has four small bedrooms (2 on each side), with each room including a tiny closet. The NC iteration of the Myers House was designed to look as close as possible to the original house from the exterior front and side views, but the interior and back of the house were intentionally altered to be livable by his vision and by modern standards. So the inside got a few bathrooms, slightly bigger bedrooms, a small laundry room, and a few other minor alterations, but the important elements from the movie - Judith's bedroom, the hallways, staircase, and the basic locations of the kitchen, dining room, and living room are in the same places.

Another notable difference between the North Carolina house and the original is the exterior setting of the house and the interior décor. The NC house was constructed on over 5 acres of old farmland out in the country - sprawling hills and trees for miles. It would have been extremely hard, if not impossible, to recreate the suburban Midwest feel of Haddonfield, simply because of stringent building codes and neighborhood restrictions now in place. While the house's setting might not mimic the neighborhood feel of the original, the rural setting has its own spooky charm and adds a unique twist on a house so many people are used to seeing in suburbia!
As far as the interior décor, the entire house is completely filled from head to toe with antiques, vintage electronics and movie memorabilia ...tons of framed Horror one-sheets, original movie props, vintage Halloween masks, old school jukeboxes, tube TVs and more!

The Myers House NC has been featured in dozens of newspaper, magazine, and online articles worldwide - everything from the front page of the local Hillsborough, North Carolina newspaper, to South Pasadena, California, the United Kingdom, and Japan. The house has been featured on major websites including CNBC.com, YAHOO.com, BLOODY-DISGUSTING.com, DAILYMAIL.co.uk, DREADCENTRAL.com and many more. The house was even mentioned on ABC’s Good Morning America. The Biography Channel, ABC News, FOX News and CNN have all filmed documentaries about The Myers House NC that have been featured online and on Television. Thousands of fellow HALLOWEEN fans have traveled from all over the world to visit the house over the years.
*** If you're interested in visiting The Myers House NC, please check out the VISIT section for details.
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• The House From... (documentary) Double Windsor Films & The Oaks Media Group (2024)
• The Barn: Part II (feature film) Nevermore Production Films (2022)
• Great Big Story (Mini doc) CNN (2019)
• HONEYSPIDER (feature film) Paramount Scope (2015)
• Christmas Carvings (short film) Last Call Pictures (2013)
• All Hallows Evil: Lord of the Harvest (feature film) Southlan-Films (2012)
• Revenge of the Sandman (HALLOWEEN tribute feature film) Southlan-Films (2012)
• Foodie (short film) Cinema Fuel Productions (2012)
• Dr Drew’s Lifechangers (Halloween special) The CW Network (2011)
• Sheri Moon Zombie’s TOTAL SKULL Halloween (clothing line commercial) The Myers House NC (2011)
• Legends 2: A Halloween Tale (HALLOWEEN tribute feature film) Godbout Entertainment (2011)
• Scarecrow At Midnight (short film) Mutantville Productions (2011)
• JUDITH (HALLOWEEN tribute short film) The Myers House NC & Circa Sixty-Seven Industries (2010)
• HALLOWEEN: The Inside Story (HALLOWEEN documentary) A&E Biography (2010)
+ Check out The Myers House NC’s IMDb filming locations page